Arcoaire air conditioning units are essential for indoor comfort, but service issues have occasionally arisen. Users have reported delays in obtaining prompt repairs for cooling-related problems, which can be particularly problematic during hot weather. Timely access to service is crucial to ensure comfort and well-being. Some users have expressed concerns about extended service wait times and difficulties in scheduling convenient service appointments.
E01: Compressor Overload
The compressor is working harder than it should, which might indicate a refrigerant issue or blockage.
E02: Low Refrigerant
The system detects a lower than required refrigerant level, affecting cooling efficiency.
E03: High Pressure
The pressure in the system is too high, which could be due to a blockage or faulty component.
E04: Temperature Sensor Fault
The air conditioner’s temperature sensor is malfunctioning or providing inaccurate readings.
E05: Fan Motor Malfunction
The fan motor is not operating correctly, affecting airflow and cooling capabilities.
E06: Drain Pan Overflow
The drain pan is full, indicating a potential blockage or issue with the condensate drain.
E07: Coil Frost Over
The evaporator coil is frosted over, affecting heat exchange and cooling efficiency.
E08: Communication Error
There’s an issue with communication between the indoor and outdoor units.
E09: Electrical Component Failure
A crucial electrical component, such as a capacitor or relay, is malfunctioning or has failed.
E10: Filter Reminder
The filter needs checking or replacement to ensure optimal airflow and efficiency.
E11: PCB Malfunction
The main printed circuit board (PCB) of the air conditioner is malfunctioning, which might affect various functionalities of the unit.
E12: External Unit Overheating
The external unit of the air conditioner is overheating, potentially indicating ventilation issues, motor problems, or refrigerant concerns.
E13: Evaporator Coil Sensor Fault
The sensor monitoring the evaporator coil’s temperature is malfunctioning or providing inaccurate readings.
E14: Compressor Start-Up Error
The compressor is having trouble starting, potentially due to electrical issues, capacitor faults, or internal compressor problems.
E15: Remote Control Signal Issue
The system is having trouble receiving signals from the remote control, which might be due to sensor or remote battery problems.
E16: Defrosting Mode Error
The unit is unable to enter or exit defrosting mode correctly, potentially leading to ice build-up or reduced efficiency.
E17: Blower Fan Issue
The blower fan responsible for circulating air through the room is malfunctioning or blocked.
E18: Abnormal Voltage Detection
The system has detected electrical voltage levels that are too high or too low for safe operation.
E19: Condenser Coil Sensor Fault
The sensor monitoring the condenser coil’s temperature is malfunctioning or providing inaccurate readings.
E20: Humidity Sensor Error
The humidity sensor is not measuring room humidity levels correctly, affecting comfort settings and efficiency.
E21: Swing Motor Malfunction
The motor responsible for adjusting the direction of airflow is not functioning correctly, leading to inconsistent or stationary airflow patterns.
E22: Inverter Compressor Error
The inverter compressor, which adjusts its speed to optimize cooling efficiency, is experiencing issues or malfunctions.
E23: Refrigerant Leak Detected
The system has detected a potential leak in the refrigerant line, which can affect cooling efficiency and may pose environmental concerns.
E24: Anti-Freeze Protection Activated
The unit has detected excessively cold temperatures and is taking measures to prevent freezing of internal components.
E25: Overcurrent Protection Activated
The system detected an overcurrent condition, possibly due to a malfunctioning component or an external electrical issue, and has initiated protective measures.
E26: Transformer Fault
The electrical transformer within the air conditioner is malfunctioning, affecting the appliance’s power supply.
E27: EEPROM Error
The system is encountering errors when trying to read or write to the EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory).
E28: Condensate Pump Failure
The pump responsible for removing condensate water from the unit is not working correctly, leading to potential water accumulation and leakage.
E29: Indoor Unit Coil Overheat
The coil in the indoor unit is overheating, indicating potential airflow blockages or refrigerant issues.
E30: Delayed Start Protection
The system has delayed its start-up to protect its internal components, possibly due to rapid on-off cycling or after a power outage.
E31: Wireless Connection Error
The air conditioner’s wireless connectivity, for smart control or remote access, is malfunctioning or not connecting.
E32: UV Lamp Malfunction
If the system has a UV lamp for air purification, this error indicates it’s not working correctly or needs replacement.
E33: External Unit Fan Error
The fan in the external unit is malfunctioning, which could reduce the unit’s efficiency in dissipating heat.
E34: Internal Overload Protection
The system’s internal components are overheating, causing the unit to initiate protective measures and shut down.
E35: Circuit Board Overheat
The air conditioner’s main circuit board is overheating, affecting overall system performance.
E36: Refrigerant Overcharge
The system has detected an excessive amount of refrigerant, which can hamper its cooling efficiency and potentially damage components.
E37: Water Overflow Detection
The drip tray or internal compartment has detected an overflow of water, possibly due to a blockage in the drain system.
E38: Phase Sequence Error
For three-phase systems, the phases are in the wrong sequence or there’s an issue with the phase supply.
E39: Compressor No Response
The compressor isn’t responding or starting up despite receiving commands from the control board.
E40: Room Temperature Sensor Disconnect
The sensor monitoring the room’s ambient temperature has become disconnected or is malfunctioning.
E41: Desuperheater Sensor Error
The sensor monitoring the desuperheater (used in some systems for heat recovery) is malfunctioning or out of range.
E42: Liquid Line Sensor Error
The sensor on the liquid refrigerant line is not providing correct readings, which may affect the system’s efficiency.
E43: High Ambient Temperature
The outdoor unit is operating in an environment with excessively high temperatures, potentially reducing the efficiency of heat dissipation.
E44: Low Ambient Temperature
The outdoor unit is operating in an environment with excessively low temperatures, which can cause system complications in certain setups.
E45: Pressure Transducer Fault
The device that measures the refrigerant pressure in the system is malfunctioning or providing inaccurate readings.
E46: Insufficient Coolant Flow
There’s a reduced flow of the coolant in the system, potentially due to blockages or component failures.
E47: Sound Sensor Malfunction
For units with noise monitoring, this indicates the sound sensor isn’t functioning correctly.
E48: Power Surge Detected
The unit detected an electrical power surge that could potentially harm its components.
E49: Power Frequency Error
The frequency of the incoming power supply is out of the required range, affecting the operation of the air conditioner.
E50: Memory or Storage Error
The system is encountering errors when trying to access its internal memory or storage, affecting its settings and operations.
E51: Gas Valve Malfunction
The gas valve, in systems that have them, is not functioning correctly, which may affect heating capabilities or gas flow.
E52: Indoor Coil Freeze Alert
The indoor evaporator coil is experiencing freezing conditions, which can reduce system efficiency and cause potential damage.
E53: Overload Relay Trip
The overload relay, a protection mechanism, has been tripped due to excessive current or heat in the system.
E54: Damper Control Error
The damper, which controls air flow direction and volume, is not operating correctly or is stuck.
E55: Expansion Valve Error
The expansion valve, which regulates refrigerant flow into the evaporator, is malfunctioning or blocked.
E56: Reversing Valve Fault
The reversing valve, crucial for heat pump operations, is not shifting correctly between cooling and heating modes.
E57: Insufficient Compressor Oil
The system has detected low oil levels in the compressor, which can lead to friction and potential damage.
E58: Capacitor Failure
One or more capacitors in the system, responsible for storing and releasing electrical energy, have failed or are malfunctioning.
E59: Emergency Heat Active
For units with a heat pump, the system has switched to emergency heat mode due to a malfunction or inefficiency in the primary heating system.
E60: Airflow Restriction Detected
The system has detected reduced airflow, potentially due to dirty filters, blocked vents, or fan issues.
E61: UV Lamp End of Life
The UV lamp, if present for air purification, has reached its end of life and needs replacement to maintain optimal air purification.
E62: Drain Pan Overflow
The drain pan has detected an overflow, which can lead to potential water damage or leakage issues.
E63: Circuit Breaker Trip
The associated circuit breaker for the unit has tripped, interrupting power to the system.
E64: Ground Fault Detected
The system has detected a ground fault, which is a safety concern and might pose electrical hazards.
E65: Internal Communication Error
Communication between the system’s internal components or units is disrupted, affecting operations.
E66: External Sensor Disconnected
Any external sensors used by the system, such as outdoor temperature sensors, are not communicating or have been disconnected.
E67: Motor Bearing Failure
A motor in the system, possibly the fan motor, has a bearing that’s failing, leading to potential system inefficiencies or noise.
E68: Thermistor Calibration Error
The thermistor, which measures temperature, is giving readings out of calibration and may require adjustment or replacement.
E69: Filter Replacement Alert
The system’s filter is dirty or clogged and needs to be cleaned or replaced to ensure proper airflow and efficiency.
E70: Dehumidifier Malfunction
If the system has an integrated dehumidifier, it’s not functioning correctly and may affect indoor air quality.