In tandem with their washing counterparts, Inglis dryers epitomize robust performance. They offer a range of drying cycles that cater to different fabric types, ensuring garments come out fresh and wrinkle-free. Their top-loading design allows for easy loading and unloading. Notably, the dryers run quietly, ensuring minimal disturbance, making them perfect for homes with shared spaces or for those who prefer nighttime laundry sessions.
F01 or F1: Main Electronic Control Board Failure
The dryer’s main control board is not functioning properly and may need to be reset or replaced.
F02 or F2: Keypad/User Interface Failure
The keypad or user interface is not communicating with the main control board correctly.
F20: No Power to Heater Relay
The heater relay is not receiving the necessary power, which could affect the drying process.
F22 or F23: Heater Relay Failure
The relay responsible for the heater function is malfunctioning.
F24: Inlet Thermistor Fault
The temperature sensor responsible for monitoring the inlet air has either an open or shorted circuit.
F28: Moisture Sensor Open or Shorted
The sensor that detects moisture levels in the clothing has a malfunction.
F29: Moisture Sensor Shorted
There’s a short circuit in the moisture sensor.
F70 or F71: Communication Error
There’s a communication breakdown between the main control board and the user interface board.
L2: Low Line Voltage Detection
The dryer has detected a decrease in line voltage, which may affect its operation.
PF: Power Failure
Power to the dryer was interrupted, either due to an outage or unplugging.
AF: Restricted Airflow
The dryer’s airflow is compromised, possibly due to lint buildup, a clogged vent, or a faulty blower.
E1 or E2: Thermistor Failure
The temperature sensing thermistor is malfunctioning.
E3: High Limit Thermostat Tripped
The safety thermostat has tripped due to excessive heat in the dryer.
E4: Airflow Restriction
There’s a significant restriction in the airflow, which may affect the dryer’s efficiency and safety.
E5: Heating Element Fault
The heating element in the dryer may not be working correctly, leading to clothes not drying properly.
F30: Dispenser System Error
There’s a problem with the dryer’s dispenser system, often seen in models with steam or other additional features.
F31: Low L2 Line Voltage
The dryer is detecting a lower than expected secondary line (L2) voltage which could affect its performance.
F70: Control Board Heartbeat Failure
The main control board failed to communicate with the panel. A reset might be needed, or parts may need replacement.
F74: User Interface Button Feedback Error
The control panel buttons are either jammed or not responding correctly.
F75: User Interface Button Stuck
One or more buttons on the user interface are stuck or continuously pressed.
FE: Exhaust Thermistor Shorted
The thermistor that monitors the exhaust temperature has a short circuit.
TE: Thermistor Error
General error related to the thermistor’s operation or its circuitry.
F80: Door Lock Problem
The dryer door is not locking correctly, which may prevent the cycle from starting or running properly.
F81: Door Unlock Problem
The dryer door is not unlocking correctly, which may trap the laundry inside.
F83: Door Lock or Unlock Fault
The locking mechanism of the dryer door is neither locking nor unlocking correctly.